miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Something to say about: Power Point

Once, some time ago, the academic director of an institution I used to work in, invited a “specialist” company to give the teachers a talk on the good use of Power Point. Those were the days when data projectors were beginning to invade our classrooms, so the topic was attractive. The truth is that we had already started to use PPT before, and, personally, I had used it many times in my talks at conferences and workshops, so I had some experience in it.
The “experts” on PPT bored us to death. They did exactly everything there is so as not to make a presentation memorable –oh, wait, they did make it memorable… I am remembering it now! Well, the thing is, they were perfect examples of what we should not do to our poor students. However, after all these years, I can still see teachers making the same mistakes.
Happily, there is humour. Don Macmillan is an engineer who revamped himself and became a comedian. His stand-up comedy topics deal with the office. The video below (from YouTube, of course!) is about the use of Power Point. The title says it all: Life after death by Power Point.
Have a good laugh and follow his advice.
Cesar Klauer

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